Clay Pigeon Kart Racing Club, Round 6 (July 2019)

Clay Pigeon Kart Club Round 6

Heat 1

Mason Perren wins with the fastest lap and fastest sectors1&3. Moulton is second and Solarski is third with the fastest sector 2. Scott Marsh was 4th and Noah Wolfe was 5th. Well done to Spearing on coming 16th. Wes was 12th.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 2

Mason Perren capitalises on Matthew Lambert’s absence of the weekend and wins again clinching the fastest sector 2 as well. Moulton was second with the fastest sectors 1&3. Solarski was third in front of Freddie Wherlock and Scott Marsh. Well done to Danny Newman on coming 13th. Wes was 8th.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 3

Mason Perren wins and makes it three in a row grabbing the fastest lap and fastest sectors 1,2 and drew with Moulton in the final sector. Solarski was second Noah Wolfe third. Well done to Danny Newman on getting 13th. Wes was 12th.

Alpha Timing Results:


Mason Perren makes it a clean sheet with the fastest lap and drew the fastest sector 2 with Solarski who came second in front of Hugh Moulton who drew with Solarski in the first sector and had the fastest sector 3. Well done to Spearing on getting best novice in 15th. Wes was 13th.

Alpha Timing Results:

Clay Pigeon Kart Racing Club, Round 5 (June 2019)

Clay Pigeon Kart Club Round 6

Heat 1

Perren wins with the fastest lap and joint sector 1 with Moulton and with there now only being 2 sectors Solarski got fastest sector 2.  Well done to Thomas- minh Spearing on coming 11th and avoiding the two red flags. Wes was 10th also avoiding the two red flags as well.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 2

Perren wins Scott Marsh is second and Solarski was third. The fastest lap went to Perren who also got the fastest sector 1 and Moulton got the fastest sector 2. Wes was 14th on the road but a dropped nose demoted him to 21st.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 3

Perren makes it three from three in front of Solarski and Lambert is third with the fastest lap that was 0.2 of a second faster than the leader that was also fastest in both sectors. Well done to Spearing on getting 17th. Wes was 13th.

Alpha Timing Results:


Lambert wins with a new lap record of a 40.71 getting the fastest sector2 and Moulton got the fastest sector 1. Perren was second and Moulton was third. Well done to Spearing on getting best novice in 16th. Wes was 13th.

Alpha Timing Results:

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Clay Pigeon Kart Racing Club, Round 4 (May 2019)

Mansell Kart Club Round 4

Heat 1

Mason Perren wins with the fastest lap and sector 2 in front of Matthew Lambert and Noah Wolfe. The fastest sector 1 went to Hugh Moulton and Andrew Douglass got the fastest sector 3. Well done to Charles Green on coming 15th. Wes was 21st.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 2

Moulton wins Alfie Davies is second getting the fastest lap and fastest sector 1 Bobbie Rosier then followed him in 3rd with fastest sector 3. Well done to Freddie Wherlock on coming 10th. Wes was 15th.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 3

Moulton wins again from Lambert and Perren who got the fastest lap and fastest sectors 1, 2&3. Well done to Charles Green on coming 15th from 21st. Wes was 13th at the flag.

Alpha Timing Results:


Lambert wins Moulton is second and Wolfe is third. Moulton got the fastest lap and the fastest sectors 1&2 making an ultimate of 40.80. Well done to Charles Green on coming 13th and getting best novice. Wes was 24th after a collision dropping him to last and being 8 seconds off the next car in 25th.

Alpha Timing Results:

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Mansell Kart Racing Club, Round 4 (May 2019)

Mansell Kart Club Round 4

Heat 1

Mason Perren wins Lambert is second and Scott Marsh is third. Well done to Jamie Salter on coming 11th. Wes was 8th behind Benjamin Bartlett and 16 seconds covering the top ten.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 2

Bad luck for Wes after a spin dropping him to last but he did recover to 13th place. Mason Perren wins again in front of Lambert and Moulton, Lambert may of came second but he did get the fastest lap of a 56.33. Well done to Harry Morris on coming 14th at his second ever race here.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 3

Mason Perren made it three from three with Lambert in second and Moulton in third. Wes got the lead at turn 1 but tangled and dropped to last but he fought back to 12th. Well done to Harry Morris on coming 14th again.

Alpha Timing Results:


Mason Perren wins Lambert is second and Moulton is third fastest lap goes to Perren. Well done to Harry Morris on getting best novice at his first race weekend. Wes was ninth from 12th .

Alpha Timing Results:

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Mansell Kart Racing Club, Round 3 (April 2019)

Mansell Kart Club Round 4

Heat 1

Matthew Lambert wins with the fastest lap and 3 tenths quicker than anyone else on the track. Mason Perren was second and Hugh Moulton third. Well done to Charles Green for coming 12th from 16th. Wes came 15th.

Alpha Timing Results

Heat 2

Matthew Lambert wins again in front of Billy Edgecombe who was six seconds behind the leader and then came Hugh Moulton another half a second behind. Wes came 14th. Well done to Freddie Wherlock on coming 9th from 18th.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 3

Breaking Lambert’s string of wins is Mason Perren beating Ollie Wise by 0.8 of a second Edgecombe came third but the fastest lap however went  to Lambert of a 56.08 which was faster than the race leader by 0.7 of a second. Well done to Freddie Wherlock on getting another 9th from 15th. Wes came 15th.

Alpha Timing Results:


Lambert wins by 0.06 of a second over Mason Perren and Hugh Moulton, Lambert got the fastest lap as well. Well done to Freddie Wherlock on getting best novice just behind Wes by 0.14 seconds.

Alpha Timing Results:

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Clay Pigeon Kart Racing Club, Round 3 (April 2019)

Mansell Kart Club Round 4

Heat 1

Hugh Moulton wins Lambert is second and Noah Wolfe is third the fastest lap went to Lambert who also got the fastest sector 2 as well. Noah Wolfe got the fastest sector 1 and Moulton got the fastest sector 3. Well done to Amelie Acketts on coming 14th. Wes was 11th.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 2

Moulton wins Lambert is second and Andrew Douglass is third the fastest lap went to Wolfe who also clinched fastest sectors 1, 2&3. Well done to Martin Wright on coming 8th from 14 because of avoiding spinners and not getting caught up in accidents. Wes was 15th.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 3

Noah Wolfe wins Moulton is second and Alfie Davies is third Wolfe got the fastest lap again and did the to the hundredth did the same time as he did in heat 2 and got the fastest sector 1 as well. Well done to Freddie Wherlock on coming 7th. Wes was 14th.

Alpha Timing Results:


MATHEW LAMBERT wins the Honda/ Iame Final from 7th on the grid followed by Noah Wolfe and Andrew Douglass Noah Wolfe got the fastest lap but didn’t get any of the fastest sectors because they went to Andrew Douglass who got the fastest sector 1 Alfie Davies got the fastest sector 2 and Hugh Moulton got the fastest sector 3. Well done to Martin Wright on getting best novice in 7th. Wes was 15th.

Alpha Timing Results:

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Mansell Kart Racing Club, Round 2 (March 2019)

Mansell Kart Club Round 4

Heat 1

Mason Perren wins H1 in frount of Thomas and Holly. After Matt’s great drives in round 1 he was nowhere, 0.7 of a second slower than Mason and starting on the front row. Well done to Freddie Wherlock coming 12th, only a second off the pace and a novice.

Alpha timing Results:

Heat 2

Mason Perren wins by 0.08 of a second in front of Thomas Cucurullo – Yeomans. Lambert came another 0.25 seconds behind them with Perren getting the fastest lap of the race. Well done to Charles Green on holding of the rapid Freddie Wherlock. Wes Coombs finished 13th .Well done to Billy Edgecombe for getting fastest sector 2 and Matthew Lambert for getting fastest sectors 1 and 3.

Alpha timing Results:

Heat 3

Bad luck for Matthew Lambert after finishing second the scrutineers noticed that his exhaust was non-compliant with the regulations   for Cadet. Well done to Martin Wright for holding off the super quick Charles Green and Freddie Wherlock. Mason Perren won again in front of Thomas Cucurullo- Yeomans and Hugh Moulton with the top 10 separated by 12 seconds. Wes was 12th.

Alpha timing Results:


Bad Final again for Wes after being took out and into a spin on the last lap dropping him to last but he recovered to 16th. Mason Perren won closely followed by Thomas Cucurullo – Yeomans and Billy in third. Well done to Freddie Wherlock for getting best novice in front of Martin Wright and Charles Green.

Alpha timing Results:

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Clay Pigeon Kart Racing Club, Round 2 (March 2019)

Heat 1

Thomas Cucurullo Yeomans wins in front of Lambert and Perren. Fastest lap went to Thomas and he got the fastest three sectors as well. Well done to Wherlock on coming 16th after starting 22nd. Wes was 17th.

Alpha Timing Results :

Heat 2

Freddie Baker wins a multi condition race in front of Yeomans and Lambert Perren got the fastest lap and fastest sectors 1&3 and fastest sector 2 went to Freddie Baker. Well done to Danny Newman on coming 7th from 23rd. Wes came 14th.

Alpha Timing Results :

Heat 3

Yeomans wins the third race of round 2 beating Perren and Lambert the fastest lap went to Perren who got fastest sector 1 and drew with Lambert in the final sector to but the 2nd sector went to Yeomans. Well Done to Freddie Wherlock on coming 17th from stone dead last. Wes came 18th.

Alpha Timing Results :


Mason Perren wins, Lambert is second and Moulton is third. Perren got the fastest lap and sectors 1&3 but Yeomans got fastest sector 2 who was disqualified for being underweight. Well done to Freddie Wherlock on getting best novice in 14th. Wes was 17th.

Alpha Timing Results :

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Mansell Kart Racing Club, Round 1 (February 2019)

Mansell Kart Club Round 4

Heat 1

Matthew Lambert was dominate from 9th to 1st in the first four laps, he won the heat by 1.9 seconds. Well done to Mason Perren for another great drive from 11th to 2nd but ran out of laps to catch Matt. After an accident at the hairpin dropping Wes down to 15th he had a good recovery putting him in 11th at the checkered flag.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 2

Lambert wins again but only by 0.3 of a second. After starting 13th he made the moves overtaking seven people on the first lap but it wasn’t all smooth sailing, he pnly took the lead on the last lap. Perran was second and Billy Edgecombe third who was set to win as he started the last lap but it wasn’t to be.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 3

Good result for Momentum Motorsport having five drivers in the top ten. Well done to Martin Wright coming 11th on his first race at Mansell. Matthew Lambert won again from the front row by over 2.5 seconds, Mason was second and Edgecombe third, 2 seconds behind Perran.

Ernie Overton had a strong race starting 15th and finishing 9th, Wes also did well, coming in 10th from a starting position of 14th.

Alpha Timing Results:


Bad luck for Matt and Wes as they both had accidents on the final lap. Well done to Mason Perran winning the race in front of Hugh Moulton and Billy Edgecombe

Alpha Timing Results:

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Clay Pigeon Kart Racing Club, Round 1 (February 2019)

Heat 1

Maksymilian Solarski wins the first race of the year in front of Mason Perren and Andrew Douglass Perren got the fastest lap and sector 1 James Pope got fastest sector 2 and Holly Woolley got fastest sector 3. Well done to Freddie Wherlock on coming 16th out of a 23 kart field. Wes was 20th.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 2

Solarski wins again from mason Perren and Woolley. Perren got fastest lap and fastest sector 2 Alfie Davies got fastest sector 1 and Solarski got fastest sector 3. Well Done Martin Wright on holding off the rapid Freddie Wherlock. Wes was 16th.

Alpha Timing Results:

Heat 3

Breaking Solarski’s winning run is Perren followed by Solarski who was set to win going on to the last lap and then James Mintoft came in third. Hugh Moulton got the fastest lap and fastest sectors 2&3 but Perren got fastest sector 1. Well done to Archie Lyons for coming 15th. Wes was 14th but a dropped nose gave him a 5 second penalty so he was demoted to 18th

Alpha Timing Results:


Solarski wins again in front of Hugh Moulton and Bobbie Rosier. Bobbie Rosier got fastest lap and fastest sector 2 fastest sectors 1 went to Hugh Moulton and sector 3 went to Matthew Lambert. Well done to Martin Wright on getting best novice 16th. Wes was 15th.

Alpha Timing Results:

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